We follow traditional guidelines for typesetting an invitation including enlarging the name lines by a small amount relative to the other lines of text unless you tell us otherwise.
Custom Fonts
If there's a font that we do not show, please ask as we may have it or make arrangements to acquire it for you
Hand Calligraphy
We do not have a calligrapher on staff but work with several should you choose to have a calligrapher write your invitation suite for us to then produce. If you'd like a recommendation, please contact us.
If you already have your calligrapher, please send us the artwork as the paper copy (black ink on white paper) or scanned at 1200dpi in black and white. This is popular when the family would like the bride and groom's names done in calligraphy while everything else is type set.
For social stationery, we have an arrangement for a calligrapher to write a name for informal notes, correspondence cards or calling cards for $25 (in addition to the cost for the stationery). You can click here to see the fonts offered for our hand calligraphy.
We offer a variety of fonts to customize your invitations and stationery. A wide array of options or combinations allow you to create just the look you want for your invitations or stationery. There is no additional charge for combining fonts on your stationery. Fonts marked with a * next to their type style number have a coordinating calligraphy font for addressing the envelopes.
House font Collection
Below are some of our most requested fonts from our years of customer requests. They are a collection of script, serif and san serif type styles that are our most popular. Below our House Font Collection, please find a larger collection of fonts that are available to our customers. If you wish to use a particular font, simply provide us with the appropriate font number (e.g. TS1) on your order form.
Please include “ws” after the TS10 when selecting this font (TS10ws)
script fonts
Below are available script fonts. If you wish to use a particular font, simply provide us with the appropriate font number (e.g. TS101) on your order form. Any font with a “check mark” designates that the font is available in alternative formats, such as bold, italic, etc.
Sans Serif Fonts
Below are available sans serif block fonts. If you wish to use a particular font, simply provide us with the appropriate font number (e.g. TS103) on your order form. Any font with a “check mark” designates that the font is available in alternative formats, such as bold, italic, etc.
Serif fonts
Below are available sans serif block fonts. If you wish to use a particular font, simply provide us with the appropriate font number (e.g. TS100) on your order form. Any font with a “check mark” designates that the font is available in alternative formats, such as bold, italic, etc.